You belong here just as much as anyone else.

Focusing on You

01 — A person not a number

Too many times we hear stories of people not receiving the service they deserve. At YourCare we are a dedicated and independent Support Coordination team, this means we have no ties or affiliations to any big corporations who just want to process as many clients as possible. To us every individual is important and when you are work with one of our amazing Support Coordinators you are part of the YourCare family. We are all people, not numbers.

02 — Connecting you to the right support

With many large combined service providers, supports are allocated that are not always necessary to increase profits. With YourCare being independent, we can ensure you are receiving the best care from the best suited providers from all across the country. We care about your needs and will connect you to supports that tick all the boxes not just some.

03 — Navigating Your plan

One of the most common themes we come across is confusion about NDIS plans or being uninformed about what supports can be included in the funding that is approved. Our experience in Support Coordination and dealing with the NDIS from the beginning means we can help you to understand all the supports you can gain access to in your plan. Break the confusion and let us help you to better understand your support and take care of the nitty gritty for you.

04 — Support during review

Every 12 or 24 months can be extremely stressful for NDIS participants or Carers and this is where we step in and shine. Use our experience to your advantage where we can help you to get the best support that you deserve with our comprehensive reporting and pre plan review process. We will collate all the necessary reports from Allied Health and providers as well as write our in depth review of all situations to help make the plan review process smooth and painless. Whether you are looking for more support or maintaining a current level we are always here to help by having someone on your side.

A disability is not what defines you, it is your Ability that makes you great.

Start a new relationship with your NDIS plan today.